Monday, April 14, 2014

Six weeks after 1st surgery

Well, we are six weeks out from Mackenzie's colon removal.  She has been progressing wonderfully.  She met with the surgeon last week and everything's looks great. It won't be until May 16th that she is completely off prednisone. Therefore, her 2nd surgery won't be until the prednisone is totally out of her system.  She is thinking the end of June or beginning of July is when it will be.  Kenz's dr. is so amazing, she told her that when she decides to have a baby, she would be able to be in the delivery room and help deliver the baby and make sure the J pouch wouldn't get damaged. 

Mackenzie is officially moving to Michigan tomorrow and will only come home for Dr. Appointments and surgeries now. Oh, and of course for her wedding in September. Originally her wedding was set for July 11th, but because of the decision to remove her colon, she and Mason changed the date to September 19th. This will be after the second surgery but before her third take down surgery. 

I have mixed feelings about seeing her go. Of course I will miss her, but her leaving means she is on her way to getting her life back. She can finally officially live in her new home. I'm so thankful for how well she is doing. I admire her strength. 

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