Saturday, July 19, 2014

2nd surgery day 1 after surgery

9:19 pm.

Well Kenz is sleeping well at night and most of the day. After surgery number 1 she didn't sleep at all day or night because of the high dose of prednisone. She is in more pain this time. There was some blood in her urine so they ran a UTI test but it came back negative. She has had a low grade fever all day but they are not concerned. They tell us that is very common. Her stoma is having output, so that is great news. Sometimes it can take awhile to wake back up.  She was told she had to get out of bed and walk three times today. She met that goal of walking, and each time she extended the walk. She is very determined. I admire her strength.

Dominic came to visit Aunt Kenzie!!!


  1. I know...they have to walk...they hate it because it's sooo painful...just to cough is horrific...a big pillow near by is what helped Victor. Nice to see no tubes!!!! Yeah!!! I admire her strength...she and Victor are my heroes and when I feel overwhelmed I think...noooooway...if they can do can I. Embrace the small miracles!!!

  2. So glad to hear she is doing well. I bet Dom was wonderful medicine for her. Great job with meeting your goals each day, Kenz!

  3. The things we take for granted! Thoughts, prayers and all kinds of good mojo heading in the direction of all of you Rhonda xoxo
